Member States
The Cooperation partners are Police, Border Guards, Coast Guards and Customs.
Contact Data NCC Denmark
National Police (24/7)
Phone: +45 4515 4200
The Danish Structure
The responsibility of executing national border security lies with the police. There is no national Border Guard Service. On the maritime borders, the police use vessels from the Royal Danish Navy as platform. The police have special trained maritime interception teams in all 12 districts.
The responsibility for surveillance of the Danish territorial water, i.e. the area within the territorial limit, is placed under the Royal Danish Navy, who is responsible for the radar surveillance as well. Under their command is also a fleet of Home Guard vessels consisting of more than 20 flotillas.
Contact Data NCC Estonia
Estonian Police and Border Guard Board
Phone: +372 614 9201 or 9200 (24H)
Mob: +372 5302 8076 (24H)
Fax: +372 614 9203 (24H)
Contact Data NCC Finland
Finnish Border Guard
Phone: +358 295 421 000
The Finnish Border Guard is under the Ministry of Interior. The Finnish Border Guard operates in the areas of internal and external security, and is part of the European border and coast guard system. The Finnish Border Guard operates on land, at sea and in the air, even in difficult conditions. The organizational structure includes four Border Guard Districts, two Coast Guard Districts as well as Air Patrol Squadron, Border and Coast Guard Academy and HQ.
Border Surveillance
The purpose of border surveillance is to maintain security and public order at land and sea borders. It seeks to prevent and investigate unauthorized border crossings, monitor territorial integrity and carry out other statutory tasks. The focus is on the external border of the Schengen area.
Border checks
The Finnish Border Guard is the main authority responsible for conducting border checks at border crossing points. Border checks refer to checks performed for the purpose of ensuring that persons, including their means of transport and the objects in their possession, may legally enter or leave the country. Border checks are carried out at the border crossing points or, if there are grounds for doing so, on a vehicle used for public transportation or in some other place.
Crime prevention
The Finnish Border Guard seeks to prevent, expose and investigate severe cross-border crimes in collaboration with other law enforcement authorities in Finland (the Police and Customs). It conducts the preliminary investigation into incidents that fall within its jurisdiction, such as the facilitation of illegal entry and human trafficking, state border offences, forgeries, drunk driving on land or water, or fishing and hunting offences. The Finnish Border Guard contributes actively to maritime environmental protection by leading the monitoring of oil spills from vessels in sea regions and conducting a preliminary investigation into maritime environmental crimes.
Maritime search and rescue
The Finnish Border Guard is the leading national authority in maritime search and rescue (SAR) operations as well as those related to the prevention of maritime environmental damage on the open sea. The Finnish Border Guard is also tasked with the surveillance of maritime areas and waterborne traffic.
Maritime environmental protection
The Baltic Sea has traffic volumes that are among the highest worldwide and the risk of a major oil or chemical accident is constantly present. In case of an accident, the damage caused to the vulnerable ecosystems, the residents of the coastal areas and the business and trade within the Baltic Sea region would be disastrous with long-term consequences. If an oil spill from a vessel occurs at open sea within the economic zone or territorial waters of Finland, the Finnish Board Guard is responsible for leading the oil response operation and assigns a commander for the operation.
International cooperation
International cooperation is vital for Finland’s border security. Bilateral and multilateral connections are maintained both with EU Member States and third countries. The Finnish Border Guard participates multilateral cooperation for example in the Baltic Sea region (BSRBCC).
See more details
The Finnish Border Guard – Safety and Security in All Circumstances.
Contact Data NCC Germany
Federal Police Directorate Bad Bramstedt
Phone: +49 4192 502 1131
Fax: +49 4192 502 4444
General Information
The Federal Police Regional Office Bad Bramstedt fulfils its legal assigned tasks in the Federal States of Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and on the North- and Baltic-Sea inside and outside the coastal waters. A total of nine Federal Police District Offices are subordinated to the Federal Police Regional Office Bad Bramstedt.
Border Police
With the Federal Police Department for Maritime Security, the Federal Police Regional Office Bad Bramstedt has a unique maritime component to monitor the external Schengen border in the North- and Baltic-Sea.
In addition, sea-airworthy helicopters of the Federal Police are used to complete surveillance in sea areas in the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
The Federal Police Regional Office Bad Bramstedt is primarily active on the internal land borders with the neighbouring Schengen states of Denmark and Poland. Furthermore, the regular ferry connections to the Scandinavian states and the Baltic States are in the focus of the tasks. The focus here is on preventing unauthorised secondary migration and combating cross-border crime.
Railway Police
The Railway Police area of responsibility covers 3,168 km of railway tracks with 470 railway stations and stops. The operational focus lays on the dangers associated with the operation of the railway as well as the committing of crimes by the users of the railway. Another field of responsibility of the Railway Police are measures that take place in the context of danger prevention and criminal prosecution on sports events.
National and International Cooperation
The Federal Police Regional Office Bad Bramstedt cooperates with other authorities and institutions nationally and internationally.
It is involved in the area of land borders with the Danish and Polish authorities through common centres and offices.
Furthermore, the Federal Police is active in cooperation forms with the State Police in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as well as with the Customs, which all should be seen as a compensation for the abolishment of internal Schengen borders. This network is in line with the requirements of the European Union for implementing the parameters of so-called Integrated Border Management (IBM).
In addition to the BSRBCC (Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation), the Federal Police Regional Office Bad Bramstedt is also a permanent member of the ECGFF (European Coast Guard Functions Forum) and the NACGF (North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum).
Contact Data NCC Lativa
Latvian State Border Guard
Phone: +37 1636 61 015 or +37 1636 04 824
Fax: +37 1636 65 078
Latvian State Border Guard
The State Border Guard is an institution subordinated to the Minister of the Interior. The State Border Guard is an armed institution and it serves to ensure the security of the state border and to prevent illegal migration.
Every day more than 2000 border guards and employees of the State Border Guard fulfil their duties of service. Currently the State Border Guard comprises the Central Board, territorial boards, including the Aviation Board. The State Border Guard College is an institution of higher education under the authority of the State Border Guard.
The State Border Guard ensures surveillance of 276 km long border between the Republic of Latvia and Russian Federation, 172,9 km long border between the Republic of Latvia and 498 km long sea border (external EUand the Republic of Belarus border), as well as monitoring of 343 km long border between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia and 588 km long border between the Republic of Latvia and theRepublic of Lithuania (internal EU border).
Contact Data NCC Lithuania
State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Phone: +37 05271 9305
Fax: +37 0271 9306
State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior
MISSION. Strengthen the protection of external borders and the national security of the Republic of Lithuania by ensuring an effective state border and illegal immigration control SBGS's Tasks.
ORGANISATIONAL (FUNCTIONAL) STRUCTURE. Ministry of the Interior: Police Department, State Border Guard Service, Financial Crime Investigation Service, VIP Protection Department, Fire and Rescue Department, Migration Department, Information Technology and Communication Department, other subdivisions.
To ensure the inviolability of the State border and implement the policy of State border guarding;
Within the scope of its competence, to implement international agreements, laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania establishing the legal regulations of the State border;
Within the scope of its competence, to prevent, detect and investigate in criminal activities and other violations of law, protect human rights and freedoms and ensure public peace and security.
EU external borders – 1073,36 km (60,79 %)
EU internal borders – 714,69 km (40,47 %)
Border with Russian Federation – 256,74 km on land, 18,15 km in the Curonian Lagoon, and 22,23 km in the sea.
Lithuanian border guards are responsible for controlling the external boundary of the territorial sea (75,2 km).
Contact Data NCC Norway
Norwegian Police
Phone: +47 232 084 18
Fax: +47 958 556 58
Norwegian Police
The model for border security in Norway is based on the police having overall responsibility for performing checks on persons at border-crossing points and for ensuring that the surveillance of border sections is carried out. For this task the police have the assistance of military units, both at the land border with Russia and at the outer maritime border. Police carry out control in areas near the border in the territory.
Military units and the Coast Guard assist the police with the performance of surveillance tasks on both land and sea borders. The Customs Service must also be mentioned as responsible for controls of goods at border crossings. The Customs Service also assists the police with checks on persons in cases where this is possible and appropriate at the border-crossing points.
Contact Data NCC Poland
Border Guard Republic of Poland
Phone: +48 58524 2244
Contact Data NCC Sweden
Swedish Coast Guard
Phone: +46 776 70 60 00 (24/7)
Swedish Police