
BSRBCC Heads Conference, Helsinki Finland

BSRBCC Heads Conference, Helsinki Finland

The BSRBCC Heads Conference of Finland’s BSRBCC Presidency 2024 was organized in Helsinki, Finland on 26-28 November 2024.



Latvia 2016

BSRBCC Action Plan 2016 Latvian Presidency

Latvia Actionplan 2016


1. Secretariat Meeting

On 26-28 January, 2016 the State Border Guard organized I Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) Secretariat meeting. The meeting is hold under the Latvian Presidency Plan 2016.

During the meeting following key topics were discussed:

  • Implemented activities during Lithuanian Presidency in 2015.
  • Latvian BSRBCC Action Plan for 2016.
  • Memorandum of Understanding among BSRBCC participating countries.
  • Use of COASTNET.
  • BSRBCC Presidency in 2018.
  • Information exchange with purpose to improve operational cooperation.
  • Extending of framework of cooperation.

The Meeting was attended by the representatives from following countries: Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. Representatives of the meeting agreed on a different issues, which will be discussed during 1st BSRBCC Meeting of the Baltic Border Committee, which will be organized in Latvia, Riga 9-11 of March 2016.

In total, there are 16 events in the Latvian State Border Guard' Presidency Action Plan 2016: meetings of the heads of the participating institutions, 2 meetings of the Secretariat, 2 meetings of the Baltic Border Committee, 2 seminars on risk analysis, 6 seminars (2 of them will be held in Germany and Finland) as well as 3 joint operations.


BBC I - Meeting

On March 9-11, 2016 the State Border Guard of Latvia organized the 1st meeting of the BBC (Baltic Border Committee) under the umbrella of the Latvian BSRBCC (Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation) Presidency 2016.

During the meeting the following main issues were discussed:

  • Update of the Latvian BSRBCC Presidency Plan 2016
  • Agreement on the exchange of information between the BSRBCC Member States (Memorandum of Understanding)
  • FRONTEX operational activities in 2016
  • Interaction between BSRBCC and BSTF (Baltic Sea Task Force on Organized Crime)
  • Improvement of operational cooperation and for the exchange of information

The meeting was attended by the BSRBCC member states’ representatives from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden. As well as a representative from the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX) and the representatives of the Russian Ministry of the Interior (Chairmanship of the BSTF).

BSRBCC objective is environmental protection and to combat cross-border crime with a certain maritime focus in the Baltic Sea region, by ensuring ongoing cooperation among the countries involved and furthering of the partnership to ensure the efficiency of operations. In this context the representatives of participating authorities will exchange up-to-date operative information, discuss the issues regarding BSRBCC future activities and cooperation.

BSRBCC is an international cooperation established in 1997 following the initiative of the Border Guards of Finland by uniting border control services of all Baltic Sea region countries. BSRBCC Member States are: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, while Iceland is an observer of the cooperation forum.

There are 16 events in the Latvian State Border Guard BSRBCC Presidency Plan 2016: meetings of the heads of the participating institutions, 2 meetings of the Secretariat, 2 meetings of the BBC, 2 seminars on risk analysis, 6 seminars (2 of them will be held in Germany and Finland) as well as 3 joint operations.


ATA I Meeting

On 20 - 22 April, 2016, in Riga the State Border Guard organized the 1st Annual Threat Assessment Seminar in the framework of Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) Action Plan for 2016 of Latvian presidency.

During the meeting the discussions took place on the following issues:

  • Member institutions' efforts to restrict illegal immigration and cross-border crime in 2015-2016, trends and threats
  • Information about the latest trends (modus operandi) regarding the illegal immigration, impact of the refugee crisis
  • Measures taken by the Member States and its results fighting the illegal immigration; strengthening the external borders; abolition of the border checks at the internal borders, joint operations, information exchange, changes in the staff area (short presentation of each Member State)
  • The major risks on the sea area
  • Joint Operations
  • The exchange of reports on the situation in the Baltic Sea region
  • BALANCE project recommendations and future prospects
  • Proposals for the creation of a new format of ATA (Annual Threat Assessment)
  • AD-HOC operations in the framework of the BSRBCC

Representatives from following countries and agencies attended the meeting: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden, as well as representatives of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX), the Baltic Sea States Council Secretariat (CBSS) and the Belarussian Border Committee.

BSRBCC is an international forum established in 1997 following the initiative of the Border Guard of Finland by uniting border control services of all Baltic Sea region countries. BSRBCC Member States are: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, while Iceland is an observer of the cooperation forum.


The State Border Guard organized a documents examination workshop

On 27-29 April, 2016 in Riga the State Border Guard organized a documents examination workshop within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) forum.

During the workshop, the experts of the BSRBCC Member States and the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX Agency) in the field of documents examination exchanged the news and the best practices in the field of further examination of travel documents and new approaches to the document security features.

The participants of the workshop were acquainted with the measures of the Immigration Units of the Latvian State Border Guard on the passenger profiling at the internal borders of the Schengen zone, as well as activities detecting the documents, which raise suspicions on forgery - consulting in the available database and the specificity of further examination of documents and used technical devices.

The representatives of the BSRBCC Member States from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, as well as a representative of the FRONTEX Agency took part in the workshop.


BSRBCC seminar was held on Control of Merchant /Cargo Ships, Fishing Vessels and Pleasure Boats

On 26th and 27th of May the State Border Guard organized the Seminar of Merchant/Cargo Vessels, Fishing Vessels and Pleasure Boats in the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation in Ventspils city. Seminar was organized according to the Latvian Presidency Action Plan for 2016.

During the seminar the following topics were presented and discussed:

  • Decision for border checks on vessels based on risk analysis. State Border Guard’s experience
  • The main risks and threats associated with illegal migration and cross-border crime at the Ventspils Port
  • List of interested ships. Information and content
  • Profiling of ferries at EU/Schengen internal lines. Experiences of BSRBCC MS
  • Use of available databases for border checks on vessels
  • FRONTEX-coordinated maritime joint operations. Experiences of Frontex gathered during the Joint Operations Minerva and Focal Point Sea
  • Risk analysis procedures for border checks on vessels. Sharing the best practices
  • Maritime Operational Centre's activities and role carrying out control measures on vessels
  • Results of Customs activities and risk analysis in Ventspils Port
  • Practical introduction of duties and tasks of Ventspils Port BCP. Best practices
  • Control of fishing vessels and pleasure boats
  • Analysis of violations within the framework of customs control (presentation)
  • Practical demonstration of technical resources and data bases using during border checks.

The representatives of the BSRBCC Member States from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden, as well as a representative of the FRONTEX Agency took part in the Seminar.

RONIS 2016 operation

On 29 June, 2016 the State Border Guard organised large scale annual international operational-tactical training "RONIS 2016" in the Baltic Sea, which took place within the framework of the Action Plan 2016 of the Latvian Presidency of the Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation Forum (BSRBCC).

The main task of the training was to test theoretical and practical knowledge of the vessels crew.

The training brought together the State Border Guard, the vessels of the Estonian, Lithuanian, Finnish and Polish cooperation authorities and a helicopter of the State Border Guard Aviation Board.

This training gave opportunity to develop cooperation between the vessels, to exchange information between the cooperation authorities, as well as to develop common procedures for vessel inspections at sea, to work in a Joint Inspection Group.

The training culminated in the open door day during which all interested parties were able to see the vessels of the State Border Guard as well as forces and vessels of the Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish and Finnish cooperation institutions.

Seminar on vessels inspection groups

On 27-30 June, 2016 the State Border Guard of Latvia organized a "Seminar on vessels inspection groups" within the framework of the Action Plan for LV Presidency in the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) in 2016.

The aim of the workshop – exchange of best practice and knowledge as well as progressive approaches to conduct of checks on suspect vessels and their crews.

The workshop was attended by the delegations from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany and Norway. The seminar observer was from the FRONTEX Agency.

During the workshop the existing experience of the Member States in the field of vessels inspection, as well as "Good practice hand book, carrying out inspection during joint operations", prepared by the FRONTEX Agency, were discussed. The tactical methods, which will be used during training on vessels inspection, were presented theoretically and briefing was conducted before practical checks on vessels during international operational-tactical training “RONIS 2016”.

Aviation expert's seminar

On 24-26 of August 2016, Finnish Border Guard in accordance with the agreement with Latvian State Border Guard organized Aviation expert's seminar in the framework of BSRBCC. This activity was coo financed by Frontex.

The purpose of the seminar is to strengthen contacts and flight operation network in the Baltic Sea Region. Representatives of the following countries attended the meeting: Estonia, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden, as well as representative of Frontex.

During the meetings officials exchanged with the information and got acquainted with the following issues:

  • Situation updates of Aviation Units
  • EASA - regulations
  • Ship - Helo cooperation.

During the meeting hosts introduced new AS33211r helicopter and Patrol Vessel Turva.

Secretariat meeting on September

On 21-23 September, 2016 the State Border Guard organized II Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) Secretariat meeting. The meeting was attended by the delegations from Norway, Lithuania and Latvia.

The following key issues were discussed during the meeting:

  • Implementation of the BSRBCC Action Plan for 2016
  • Joint operation “BALTIC DART 2016”: intermediate results
  • Use of CoastNet and CoastNet working group: state of play
  • Joint Approach to Tackle Organized Cross-border Crime in the Baltic Sea Region (JATOC) project
  • Memorandum of Understanding among BSRBCC participating countries: state of play
  • BSRBCC draft Action Plan for 2017

In addition, representatives of the meeting agreed on a different questions, which will be discussed during II BSRBCC Meeting of the Baltic Border Committee, which will be organized in Latvia, Riga 12-14 of October 2016. In total, there are 16 events in the Latvian State Border Guard' Presidency Action Plan 2016, and currently 11 of them are successfully implemented so far.


BSRBCC Baltic Border Committee II Meeting (12–14 October 2016, Riga)

State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia in the framework of Presidency of the Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) 2016 hosted the Baltic Border Committee II Meeting in Latvia (Riga) on 12–14 October 2016. The Meeting was attended by 19 participants from 8 countries: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden; Baltic Sea Task Force, and CBSS Secretariat.

The agenda of the meeting covered following issues: implementation of the BSRBCC Action Plan for 2016 (including reporting on completed Baltic Dart Operation and international training at sea RONIS 2016); planning for the 4th quarter of the year; core of preparation of the Annual Threat Assessment Report; discussion on further functioning of the CoastNet as a platform for information exchange between BSRBCC partners, as well as preparing the BSRBCC Head’s Conference. The Action Plan for 2017 was presented by a representative of the upcoming Norwegian Presidency in 2017.

Additionally the JATOC Project (co-funded by the CBSS PSF) was presented by a representative of the Latvian Police and the attendees discussed the project’s objectives and impact on improving cooperation between various authorities responsible for border security and public order.

In the course of the meeting there were presented FRONTEX operational activities in 2016, as well as CBSS activities in the area of civil security, in particular in relation to law enforcement cooperation, combating serious and organized crime.

Furthermore, representatives of Russian Chairmanship of the Baltic Sea Task Force on Organized Crime (BSTF) informed the participants about key achievements of the network during 2015-16 and the state of play regarding a prolongation of the BSTF mandate for the period 2017 – 2020. The upcoming Latvian Chairmanship of the BSTF presented its working plan for the 2017 – 2018.


Technical Innovation Seminar

In accordance with the Latvian Presidency Action Plan for 2016, approved by the Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation forum -BSRBCC, on 8-10 November BSRBCC Technical Innovation Seminar was held in Riga.

During the seminar the representatives of the Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish, Polish, Norwegian border authorities, as well as the FRONTEX Agency, discussed issues related to the European regional initiatives in the field of maritime surveillance, cooperation of authorities on maritime surveillance, technical solutions, future plans, etc.

BSRBCC goal is the fight against illegal migration in the region of the Baltic Sea, ensuring the regular cooperation regarding regional security and its development between border control authorities in the Baltic Sea Region.

Within the framework of the BSRBCC Latvia carries out the ongoing exchange of information on the situation in the Baltic Sea Region countries in the field of illegal migration, smuggling of drugs and other goods, transport of stolen moto vehicles and monitor suspicious vessels.

Activities of BSRBCC are organized according to rotation principle – each Member State is Presidency for one year period. During the year 2016 Latvia is holding the Presidency.


XIX Heads Conference

The XIX BSRBCC Heads Conference (Conference) of the Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation (BSRBCC) took place in Jūrmala, Latvia on 5 – 7 December 2016. The Meeting was attended by 36 participants from 9 countries: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia (State Border Guard – Presidency, Ministry of the Interior, State Police), Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, and Sweden. Moreover, leaders with accompanying officials of CBSS Secretariat and the FRONTEX Agency attended the conference.

The conference has been arranged as the final activity of Latvian Presidency in BSRBCC, in the framework of which State Border Guard of Latvia has hold 16 measures – two BSRBCC Secretariat meetings, two Baltic Border Committee meetings, two risks assessment meetings, two joint operations in the Baltic Sea basin “Baltic Tracking 2016” and “Baltic Dart 2016”, tactical training “Ronis 2016”, as well as a number of events for experience exchange among staff of agencies of BSRBCC countries in the field of documents security, detection of stolen vehicles, technical innovations in sea border surveillance, inspection of vessels, and use of service aviation.

During BSRBCC Latvian Presidency in 2016 continuous discussion among the BSRBCC Member States has been held on improvement of exchange of information via CoastNet system, enhancement of cooperation among the BSRBCC Member States and ther regional security platforms, such as the Baltic Sea TASK FORCE, with the aim to reduce potential cross-border threats.

Finalizing the conference, Acting Chief of the State Border Guard of Latvia Mr. Juris Martukāns and Mr. Māris Domiņš, Head of BSRBCC 2016 Latvian presidency Secretariat / Chief of the International Cooperation Division of the State Border Guard of Latvia, symbolically handed over BSRBCC Presidency to delegation of Norway.


> Presidency

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